Sarisbury Athletic Cricket Club
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Bob's Sunday Friendly Team


Yet another season over and again we had some very enjoyable Sunday cricket. Pre-match barbecue or pub lunch, supporters and families watching, make for a great day out.

On the field we performed well, winning or drawing more than we lost.

P12 W6 D3 L3

Highlights of the season was the fine batting by H.McKenzie including two 100s, S.Joyce maiden 100 at Margaretting.

Bowling, once again N Atkinson performed well as did D. Ducellier, with W.Davis improving each game.

Thanks to the tea ladies, scorers and umpires. Also to Andy O and Andy D for their work on the wicket. K.Hammond for running the Sunday second team.

As you probably know I am not standind for Sunday captain next season, it is time for the club to groom a younger person to captain the side with a view to the future.

One last thank-you to you all for your support over the years I have been captain. I hope you have all enjoyed Sunday cricket as much as I have running the side.

