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Keith's Sunday Friendly Team

2001 was a season dominated by youngsters. The side regularly had 7or 8 players aged under 20. Several players had their first taste of adult cricket with them all performing well. Two of the new players to adult cricket were left arm bowler David West and batsman Sam Freemantle. David was used to open the bowling in the early part of the season and although he did not always get the wickets he deserved, always bowled well. Sam batted in the middle order and produced some useful scores including a very valuable 25 against Bramshaw. Sam also got some games in the third team.

Lots of youngsters continued their good form from 2000 and helped the results improve on 2000, with the highlight being the win over Bramshaw, winning off the penultimate ball. Everyone who played that day contributed in some way which was nice. The reason the results were better was because we were rarely bowled out, though we also struggled to bowl teams out.

As in 2000 the two most consistent batsmen were Peter Hammond and Phil Journeaux. Peter’s 92 against Rowner was one of the most spectacular innings of the season. Phil like 2000 got runs every time he went to the wicket with his lowest score being 36. He got lots of 50s and even got an excellent hundred against Langley Manor. He was badly missed when he played for Bob in the second half of the season. Phil had a few first team appearances during the season, which was well deserved. The other batsman who constantly got runs was the first team wicket keeper Simon Orr. Simon chose Sundays to let others keep wicket and concentrate on his batting. The rewards were two 50s and a further one on tour. Simon will soon be working his way up the first team batting order. Other youngsters Michael Bond and James Davies also put in some good performances. There were also some excellent performances with the bat from older players. Duncan Forer and Roy Hammond got some useful scores and it was nice to have former first team batsman Alan Davis play again and but for injury would have got a hundred against Burlsedon.

Youngsters also dominated the bowling. Matt Journeaux with his off spin always bowled well and got lots of wickets. It was nice to have two spinners in the side. It will not be long before Matt is pushing for the first team. The same can be said of James Ingram and Andy Evans. Whenever they bowled they threatened, though it was sad they were not available more often. Alex Hammond bowled well getting three wickets against Vospers [one being Stephen Joyce] as did David West [as I said early] and Sam Potter who experienced opening the bowling for the first time in adult cricket. The one problem with the bowling was I often had to bowl myself for lots of overs when I really wanted to bat! Hopefully this will change next season.

The one problem with young players is they also have colts cricket to play, which can clash with Sunday cricket. This led to two games having to be called off. So where are those adults on Sundays?

I would like to thank the all the parents who transported all their sons to the games, as without them we could not play. Also I would like to thank all the people who did teas during the season. Anyone who helped umpire and Jan and Penny for scoring. I would also like thank Bob for not taking all the good players [he only took Phil] I will not be standing as captain next season so who ever gets the job I hope they enjoy it.



Keith Hammond
