Sarisbury Athletic Cricket Club
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  • Sponsored Walk

On Thursday 13th June at 7.00pm we shall be holding a sponsored walk/run to raise funds for the club and St John’s Ambulance.

Route: The race is a mainly flat course, of approximately 5.5 miles, with one steep downhill at the start that is also climbed at the end. The course is best described as multi-terrain including some grass and tarmac, a short patch of deep mud and the majority on gravel/shingle footpath. It is not suitable for spikes. The route is traffic free and does not cross any roads.

Categories and Prizes: Medals will be awarded for 1st place in each of the following categories:

Open Men Open Women

Male over 40 years Female over 40 years

Male under 18 years Female under 18 years

There will also be a cup awarded to the winning team in the Cricket Club Team Challenge (4 to run, first 3 to count). NB only Hampshire League affiliated Cricket Clubs may enter teams in this race.

Entry fees: The entry fee is £5 and £6 for entry on the day. Cheques should be made payable to SACC. No cash or credit cards. If your entry is accepted your fee is not refundable. Entries will be limited to 100.

Any enquiries should be  made to:


Race Organiser

Tel: 01489 780188

Mobile: 07733331044

                           Entry form below



Entry Form

Surname: ------------------------------------ Sex: Male / Female

Forenames: -------------------------------------------------------------------

Date of Birth:------------------------ Age on race day:---------------

Address: -------------------------------------------------




Post Code:----------------------- Telephone Number:---------------------------

Affiliated Club (Cricket Club Challenge Cup Only)---------------------------------

Amount enclosed: £---------------

I hereby declare that I enter this race at my own risk and that no person(s) or organisation will be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss to myself prior to, during or after this event.



Signed:------------------------------------------- Dated:--------------------------------



Runner’s Name:…………………………………………………….

NB: Any runner raising more than £10 in sponsorship will have their entry fee refunded.

Sponsor’s Name

Sponsor’s Address

Amount per mile

Total Amount