Sarisbury Athletic Cricket Club
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1st Team Captains’s Report


The season of 2001 came to a close with only two defeats to our name and under normal circumstances promotion to the Premier league would have been ours. Unfortunately the two defeats were so bad we came fourth, therefore the lesson to learn from this is to lose well!

After four years at the club, this is the best side yet, with contributions from all members of the team. This is the first time we probably had 15 players to select from and this proved to be one of the major factors contributing to the success of the 2001 side.

As everyone is aware this is my final year as captain and I hope that Luke will return to captain a side that is ready for promotion to the premier league. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Luke for all his help on the field, not only with his undoubted ability but his help in ensuring all the players were focused on the job that was required. It always amazes me that each year our overseas player seems to get better and better and in the case of Luke I believe he will be hard to improve on.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dave and Martin for their umpiring and Penny for her scoring. As captain having a scorer and umpires you can rely on is absolutely crucial to the success of the side. Thank you to Bob and Andy for having the confidence in handing me the captaincy so soon in joining the club- I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now is the time to ensure the new captain drives the club forward to the premier league and to develop the younger players into top club cricketers.

Jon Floyd

P.S. Thank you to all our supporters over the years and I trust we will see you next year
